
  • Hi, I’m a journalism major and I’m using my wordpress site as a journal portfolio to post all my published stories. That being said, when I post a hyper link on my site, is it possible for the story’s image, title, first few sentences, to pop up when I post it, like sites like clippings and journoportfolio do, or when you post a story link on facebook. Or does wordpress only shows the hyperlink, plain by itself?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • WordPress.com doesn’t fetch the content from other sites, unlike social media sites or sites created specifically for this purpose. However, you can use “Press This” functionality which gives you similar results. See https://en.support.wordpress.com/press-this/ for details.

  • Hi Andre!

    I’m assuming that the posts you are linking and looking for excerpts from are on another site? If it’s on your website, certain themes have excerpt options on the side bar of your “edit post” page.

    If it’s from another website, as far as I know, that is not currently supported to automatically pull it up like a Facebook page would. However, it’d be fairly simple to create a small blogpost with the same image, title, and first few sentences followed by a hyperlink that says “Continue Reading Here”, or something similar.

    Let me know if I can help you further.


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