HUGE "follow" box when viewed on ipad

  • I recently looked over my wife’s shoulder as she was looking at a recent blog post on her ipad. I was surprised to see an enormous “Follow this blog” box that floated over content, taking up about half of the screen.

    Any idea how to get rid of that thing? I’m using the Quintus theme.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Could you let me know whether your wife was using a regular iOS browser (e.g. Chrome or Safari) or she was in the WordPress app?

    Could you take a screenshot and either post it to your media library on your blog or on a third-party free image sharing service, so I can see it?

  • I believe she’s using the regular iOS browser. Sorry, I’m not an ipad user, and she’s on the “recreational user” end of the technical proficiency scale.

    This pic shows the big Follow box:

  • Could you please ask her which app (and app version) she was using when she took that screenshot, and if the box appeared before or after she clicked on the follow button (in other words, if it was a dropdown or if it was like that from the start)?

  • She’s using Safari–I believe it came stock on the ipad and don’t know where the version number is hidden in the ipad. The only number I can find for Safari on this piece of…technology…is 6533.18.5. She’s not a follower on my blog but says that box has been there since the first time she checked it out.

  • Oh, and, forgive my bad manners. Thanks for responding.

  • Sorry for the delay in responding. In testing it, that is the box that appears when you click on the Follow button when logged out of Clicking on it a second time will cause it to collapse back to a small “follow” button again.

    Is your wife unable to get the box to collapse back down when she’s on sites?

  • OK, but my wife is not a follower. She’s never clicked the button. She doesn’t log into WordPress because she doesn’t blog. We don’t share computers. For all intents and purposes, she’s a random person with an ipad who stumbled upon my blog and is seeing this big, obnoxious follow box.

    I don’t think I should expect visitors to jump through hoops to get rid of the box. Is there some way of making it disappear from the admin side?

  • This is the follow box we display to logged out users. Usually it shows up just as the single word “Follow” on the side/in the corner. When that word is clicked, it opens a larger box that allows someone to enter their email address to follow the blog. If it is clicked a second time, the box will shrink back to the small “follow” button.

  • um…I don’t know how else to say this, so I’ll just repeat that she’s NOT a follower. She has NEVER clicked “Follow.” She does not click ANYTHING when she visits the blog. The big Follow box is there from the beginning every time she visits when using her ipad. The behavior you have described does not fit the information I’ve been giving you.

  • Hi again,

    To clarify, this is what the follow button looks like in Safari on an iPad when you go to a blog that you don’t follow, and without being signed in to a account:

    When you click on the little follow button, it expands to this view:

    When you click on it again, it will go back to the first view.

    When she clicks on the follow button when it’s expanded, does the box not shrink down again? Could you try it for me to see if it works for you?

    If it isn’t working properly, she might need to update her version of Safari. It may also help to load a site in a new tab.

  • Howdy!
    Re: the first png image you linked to, I think you mean to say that the follow button SHOULD look like that. My wife just opened up her ipad and went to my blog. From the beginning, it displays the big Follow/sign in box.

    Clicking on the Follow button at the top of the big box does not close it. The box simply relocates to the top of the post (or the bottom of the screen if already at the top of the post).

  • Problem solved.
    “she might need to update her version of Safari”

    Her ipad was using the original iOS, 4.02. The current version is 7. Updating the ipad was extremely unintuitive. I have no idea why people like these things. Anyway, after two days of messing with the thing, we finally got it updated and working again. The follow box is the proper size now.

    On a related note, it seems odd that visitors have to have a particular version of a browser in order to not have an obtrusive feature get in the way. The cost, in time, for me to “fix” this problem was ridiculous. It seems like programmers should be able to ensure backwards compatibility for these things.


  • It is always recommended that you run current versions of operating systems and browsers on a computer or mobile device in order to be able to take advantage of the features and functionality of other current software, and ensure everything operates properly. While things may still work with outdated browsers, you will see a reduction in functionality with as well as many other sites.

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