html not loading on website, but works in preview

  • Im a therapist trying to manage my personal website. Im trying to add a Verified by Psychology Today logo to my footer. When I place the code (see below) in the custom html box, it works in the preview but not once I leave the footer and go back to main editor. It also doesn’t work on my website when I go to it. Here is the code:

    <!– Professional verification provided by Psychology Today –>
    <a href=”″ class=”sx-verified-seal”></a>
    <!– End Verification –>

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It sounds like the code you were provided may have included HTML tags that are not allowed with your Explorer hosting plan, such as a script. If so, the code that is not allowed will be removed. However, I don’t see a script in the code you copied. Do you have the original code you got from Psychology today?

    One of the features of our Creator plan is the ability to add more HTML tags to your site. So, if the code you were given includes a script, or a tag that is not listed in the Supported Code section here:, then you would need to upgrade to our Creator plan in order to use it.

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