Howto post and not put in on the index?

  • Hi :) First of all thanks for correct the joke on the theme…

    I want to know, if there’s a way to can do it, how can i make a post, put it in a category, but do that the post dont appears on the main page.

    Thanks a lot and sorry for my english.

  • Mark it as Private along the right hand side of the Write Post page.

  • Thanks for answer :)

    Mmmm… not work. Is also visible from main ( to see an example). Maybe the theme?

    Private is a type to make post only for subscribers or more, o to the whole ppl? I want that the post can be visible for anyone, but not in the main. The tip of that is make a section (category) with 5+ post and dont break the presentation of the main. Make a page it means make a new button on the top bar, so that i can do it on a post. :)


  • You’re probably looking at the cache of your site. Do a forced reload of your page to see if it’s still there. Also double check to see if it did get marked as Private.

  • Ey, sorry for the suggest that u need delete, it doesnt my intention :)

    I can explain it… so thanks for the patience.
    The private function works fine, its not a cache problem (i put it off) but is not that im looking for.

    The private function is for the logged readers (subscribers, authors, editors, etc) can read a post, and those that they arent logged in can read it.

    That i want, (please tellme if i cant do it) is make a post for anyone, logged in or not. Also, this post can be found inside a category, but it doesnt appears on the main. If u want read the post, u need first enter on that category. (of course, without pass)

    Thanks A LOT for ur patience and sorry again :)

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