How would you organize multiple bloggers?

  • So, here’s the idea:

    I’m in the process of creating my very first website, and it is going to be one where we will have multiple different authors, writing articles and submitting videos (hosted on YouTube). We have 3 or 4 writers who are “set in stone”, but we will also accept articles from anyone in our local community.

    My goal would be to have a page called “writers” where you have a picture and short bio of each contributor, and if you click on their picture it takes you to their recently written articles. Also, each article submitted would have their picture and name, so I can link to their previous articles.

    I’m just trying to figure out how to organize it all on the site. Because this is my first time, I’m feeling pretty overwhelmed. Should I give each writer their own blog? Should I have a blog for articles, and another for youtube videos? Should I have just a single blog, and edit the title of each one to correspond to the author? How would you do this?

    Thanks for any/all advice!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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