How tomake a post stay on top- I see no check box as all directions indicate shold be there I want the first post I made 2 years ago to be on top

  • HOw to stick a post to top when there is no checkbox as all directions iondicate Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There is no check box Yes
    Correct account: Yes

  • Hi @christysweet, do you mean you’d like a sticky post?

    Please bear in mind if you have too many sticky posts, you’ll start to run into odd issues. You may need to-restick them to change their order, for example, since they can’t all be at the top. You can check that here.

  • Ok Thank you but….. can you tell me what ‘ sticky ‘ means? I want a post I made a while ago to be the post that is the ‘home’ post I mean I want people to land on a post first thing, not necessarily the last post
    In editing as I see on many directions already, The post box is already ticked to be ‘on top’ but only the last post is shown on the ‘landing’ or ‘home’ or the actual ‘page’ the internet first takes you too.

  • Ok so seems like t all posts on ‘ sticky’ a.. can you tell me what ‘ sticky ‘ means? I want a post I made a while ago to be the post that is the ‘home’ post I mean I want people to land on a post first thing, not necessarily the last post
    In editing as I see on many directions already, The post box is already ticked to be ‘on top’ but only the last post is shown on the ‘landing’ or ‘home’ or the actual ‘page’ the internet first takes you too.

  • Hi there,

    At the moment your site’s Home page is set to display your blog posts, and it will always display the most recent post at the top, with older posts at the bottom.

    If you want a specific post to be at the top, even if there are newer posts on the site, you mark that older post as sticky.

    There’s no way to make a specific post your homepage – the homepage can only display the archive of all posts on a site, or you can set a static page as your site’s homepage.

    If you’d prefer to have specific content always on the homepage, then a static front page is a better way to do that than using a sticky post. Then you can create a different page on your site to show the posts archive:

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