How to use the Themes Forum

  • We’re glad you’re using, and your feedback on our themes is valuable to us.

    Here’s how to use this forum:

    1. Post a theme question

    Indicate the theme name and your blog URL. Posting here assumes you are using themes as-is, without the Custom Design upgrade. (If you are using Custom CSS, please post your question to the CSS Customization forum.)

    2. Post a suggestion for a new theme

    Please give us the theme name, a link to view the theme, and—most importantly—why you like it and would love to have it on

    Please search the forum first for a suggestion on the same theme. If it exists, add your vote to the same topic and add a note about why you like the theme.

    3. Premium themes

    Along with the distinctive features and a gorgeous design, purchasing a premium theme for your site also gives you full access to dedicated support on the forums from the theme authors themselves. Only the site owners who’ve purchased a theme can post and reply there—though it’s publicly viewable to everyone.

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