How to use Spiel (many questions),

  • Hello, i’m the owner of the Dailymoogle.

    For years, i have used the baskerville theme and it was great.
    So i choose to tried the Spiel Theme!
    But i have many questions!

    Thanks to whoever have an answer for one of my question!

    First Question

    You see the dark bloc behind the “DAILY MOOGLE” title? It is possible to use a picture as a wallpaper?


    Second question

    On Baskerville, i could share similar articles at the end of my articles (and automatically). Now i have always the same trending articles (and it’s now even true, it’s the 4 recents ones).
    It possible to change it automatically or should i change it myself on my 1001 articles?

    Third question

    It is possible to change automatically the intro/opening of my articles?

    Last question

    Where can i edit the right panel of my articles (where you can read categories)? Because i could use on Baskerville, like the 10 trending articles of the day.

    Thank you very much by advance, even if you just have one answer!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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