How to track asset downloads using Gutenberg

  • hey there – I am using the new Gutenberg editor to add downloadable assets to my blog (

    What I want to know/figure out is how do I get tracking on my downloads? Currently, people can just hit the “download” button and then they get the PDF but I have no data as to how many times an asset has been downloaded. I have a few plugins but am unsure of how to connect those with my assets using the new editor. Do I need to do something differently?

    I am a fairly novice user, so please bear with me :)

    Thanks in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi Nicole,

    Your site is not hosted on, but using the open source software at another hosting provider. We cannot help with this in the forums.

    Please post in the self-hosted WordPress forums instead for help:

    That said, Gutenberg is just an editor. The Core WordPress software, of which that editor is a part, does not include any analytics features.

    If you want to be able to track how many times particular files are downloaded from your site, you’ll need to add that functionality via an analytics plugin. The users in the forums should be able to suggest some for you, or you can directly search the plugin directory at

    If you’re already using an analytics plugin and it’s not tracking downloads for assets added via the block editor, then you need to contact the developers of those plugins for help, as they likely haven’t added support for the block editor to their plugins in that case.

    I also notice you have a Personal Plan on your site, As you’re using a site redirect upgrade to redirect traffic from the site to your self-hosted site, there’s no reason for you to have that plan on the site – it’s not doing anything, as no one can even get to the site where you have that plan active.

    So you can save yourself $48 a year by going to the Purchases page and cancelling that plan:

  • Oh hey thanks! I didn’t realize this was the forum for, but in a way I am glad that I did because I didn’t know I was still paying for my personal plan on Will definitely cancel that.

    Thanks for the help!

    I’ll close this out :)


  • Glad I could help :)

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