How to tag your blog?

  • This is not entirely a question–because it seems ‘maybe’ I have found an answer…? Please reply if I am right or wrong–of if you have any better suggestions.

    I am writing blogs about ‘newbie notes about WordPress blogging.’ So, I wanted this to be listed under ‘blogging,’ which is a category of “Right now in tags…” at the home page of

    How to do this?

    Right now, whild posting this forum message, it says “Enter a few words (called tags)…to help someone find your topic…” But, I can find no such thing when I post a blog.

    I tried using ‘press this’ and… don’t ask me what happens, I can’t begin to explain it…! But whatever ‘press this’ is, I don’t think it is what I want…

    Finally, on the ‘edit’ page for each blog, I created a ‘new category’ called Blogging. Then I ‘saved’ that page with a check mark next to that category and…presto, my blog was listed under ‘Blogging’…not only in my blogs, but also in the ‘blogging’ category of

    So it seems, ‘tagging’ your blog is automatic, like a search engine recognizing the content. And you can make sure your blog gets tagged in a certain category…by saying so.

    I suspect there are other ways, perhaps better? If so or not so, please reply. Thank you.

  • if you want to tag your blog like how it’s done in technorati, that’s not possible at the moment. however, the kind of categories you use in your blog can help people locate your blog via tag surfer or the main wordpress tags page.

  • WordPress tags/categories ARE Technorati tags. They work exactly the same and link to Technorati.

  • If you take the time to check out the Technorati site you can take note of keywords that other bloggers used for tags there. You can then establish the appropriate ones as worpress Category Tags . And if you use an of-line editor like BlogDesk it has a built in Technorati tag generator

    Keotags has a tag generator you might like to check out

  • Thank you for the tips, everyone.
    Also just found this very detailed tip for advanced tagging:

    A Tagging Bookmarklet for WordPress and Users

  • Your most welcome. Lorelle’s bookmarklet is excellent.

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