How to show the RSS feeds of my blog on my homepage

  • you’re welcome; i hope it helped with the problem :)

  • Hello I am very new to wordpress and don’t understand the jargon at all? Please will someone explain very simply how I go about setting up an RSS link so that people can subscribe to my blog. I am using the Ambiru theme which is very minimalistic and doesn’t have widgets etc (atleast not that I know of)

  • When you’re starting out, it’s a good idea to check the FAQ first, because the basic issues have all been covered in there. Here’s what I found searching the FAQ for RSS:


  • phoenix pcd writes:”If you are using feedburner, they give you a bunch of options for what you want your link to look like in the ‘optimize your feed’ section. The orange rss symbol is included in the first two options. Select that, then copy the code in the box at the bottom of the page and copy that into your widget.”

    I, too, am having trouble setting up my blog as an RSS link in my side-bar.

    I now have feedburner, but when I get to the “optimize your feed” section, I do not see any options, per se. On the left side-bar there is: “VIEW” and “SOURCES”, none of which I could find any options. Are they on the right-hand side, which includes “SmartFeed” and “SmartCast”?

    I am on a Mac system and it seems that WordPress is mostly geared to PC, because there are WP “plugins” and so forth that I can’t figure out how to install.

    Can one of you very patient people help me with this? I am sorry to be so dense! I’ve been spending hours trying to figure this out. It is all so confusing.


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