How to show tags on blogpost. Theme Rebalance

  • I am using the Rebalance theme.

    I would like to show the tags on the individual blogpost, but not have the tags appear with each blogpost preview on the Homepage (as that makes the Homepage too messy and clogged).

    If I set the tags to show, they show on both the blogpost and previews on the homepage, or otherwise on neither.

    How can I fix this? So they only show on the blogpost?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You can use custom CSS to hide the tags on your homepage. However, you need either Premium or Business Plan in order to add CSS codes.

    To show the tags only on blogpost, turn on the Display tags option at My Sites > Customize > Content Options screen.

    Then go to CSS screen, add the codes:

    .home .entry-tags {
       display: none;

    Hope this helps.

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