How to set latest post under blog menu

  • I am not able to set my latest post under blog. Kindly help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello Amit, to see the latest posts, we first make a blog page and then set it as a posts page in the settings.

    Here’s how:

    1. First, create a page (not post) titled “Blog” and change the slug to “blog.”

    2. Create another page (looks like you’ve already created one) titled “Wildlife Odyssey” (or anything you like).

    3. Visit the Reading Settings page and select “A static page” option. Then select the homepage as the one we created in the second step and posts page as the one we created in the first step.

    4. Now, edit your primary menu in the theme customizer and update the Blog link to “”.

    Now, you’ll be able to visit and have a working blog page that displays your latest posts.

    Hope this helps.

  • Hey there, looking at your site’s blog page, it might be that you’ve set the post as a sticky post. Sticky posts stay at the “top” of your blog until you unstick it. :)

    You can check this by clicking on MY SITES>Blog Posts and on the right you should see a list of your published posts. Scroll down and see if Tadoba has a little flag/bookmark next to it with the word Sticky. If it does, click the 3 dots to the right of the post title and Edit the post.

    In the Post Editor you’ll want to open the Module under Post Status and then deactivate the button where it says “Stick to the front page” and then update your post.

    Hopefully that will take care of the issue, but if you have other sticky posts as well, it might be faster to do this in the WP Admin instead. But let’s see if this works for you.

    Let us know how that goes.

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