How to set Feature image to 'fill' block?

  • Is there any way to set the feature image [or image automatically used for feature image] to fill the entire block? At the moment the image only ‘fits to size’ and it looks hideous with the black shapes…
    n.b I am on a free account so i can not CSS on my blog

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @isoneolivier!

    The images themselves are the key here – larger images are better.

    Cubic tries to scale/crop the image into a size and shape that will work for the grid, but if the image is too small it can’t always make it work.

    The recommended size for Featured Images on Cubic is 2000 by 1500 – if you shoot for that range, you should be in good shape :)

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