How to Serve static assets with an efficient cache policy

  • I am using GTmetrix to get my site up and running fast. One of the audits says I am not serving static resources over and effective cache policy. I have a wordpress cache built in. I am also using Autoptimize which has a cache but does a lot of other useful things. As well as another that just says “purge cache.” I don’t know what to do with this issue and could really use some help. Any recommendations would surely be appreciated. Thank you very much for your help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    It looks like your site is not using our managed hosting environment from, so we can’t really help here. There’s a volunteer network available for folks who run their own WordPress installations, which is how you’re set up. That is available at

    On our team offers a managed hosting environment. This means that we handle all the back end details of the site. Things like back ups, updates, security, spam, seo, ssl, mobile optimization, top notch hosting specs, and sorting out any errors or bugs that pop up along the way. You do not need to use any caching plugins here, as we take care of that too.

    All of our hosting plans are available on If you think a managed environment is a better setup for the project and your experience level then we can talk more about how to move your site over and what’s involved with that process.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for all the information. I will definitely look into that. I am supposed to have a managed WordPress site through GoDaddy.

    I will look at your pricing information and check out that forum.

    Thank you so much for your help! I really appreciate it!

  • Hello,

    Sorry one more question. I have an email through Outlook. It also provides me with a to-do list and a calendar. The main thing is it has my domainname at the end of the email address. Do you offer email services from outlook and can I keep my email address the same?

    Thank you

  • Hi @brendonshurtleffoutlookcom , while we don’t sell Outlook 365, our systems will certainly support it. If you bought it from GoDaddy, you’d likely want to set up billing and whatnot directly through Microsoft, so I’d ask GoDaddy how to get that done.

    Then, we’d just help you ensure you’ve got the right records set up for it to work here. Let us know if you have more questions for us. Cheers!

  • Thank you very much for all the information. I will look into that.

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