How to restore Previous Next post links in free Creatio 2 theme ?

  • I deleted the “previous” “next” post links at the bottom of my posts. I spent a couple hours on Google finding a way to do this. Now, a few days later, I want to undo that. Going through my Firefox search history didn’t help figuring out what I did.

    I tried changing the theme, and changing back to Creatio 2, but that didn’t change anything.

    I find a lot of Google search results that talk about options that don’t exist on my version. I created this site a few days ago. I’m using the free version (and not

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I saved the html code of my only post, and then reset the site (which deleted everything). I then made a new post and pasted in the html code. Done.

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