How to resize a popup window to fit a picture’s size?

  • Hi everyone, i’m new to blogging and wordpress and was wondering how do I resize the popup window to fit a linked picture’s size when i’m posting? I uploaded the original pic into flickr and inserted that link within a word in my post to open in a new window but it opens a new maximized window with the pic but i just want the new window to fit the pic’s size which would be 640×480. I searched through the forums but couldnt find a solution. Any suggestions? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!

  • Like when you click it, it opens big, but when you click it again, then it’s the max size? I’ve seen it done but I don’t know. Maybe it’s a certain image uploader thing that does that.

  • To my knowledge, that requires JavaScript and, for security concerns, Javascript is stripped from all user input here.

  • When I click it, the pic is the actual size but the new window it opens in is max size taking up the entire screen, I would like the new window to fit the pic’s original size that way i dont see a huge window with the pic and alot of white space.

  • Sorry edwardlei, we don’t have that feature right now. It’s a good idea and we’ll keep it in mind as we improve the site.


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