how to remove 'category' from header

  • I want to remove the word ‘category’ from the header of each category page.

    So, if the category is food, it currently reads “Category: Food” on the header. Instead, I would just like it to say “Food.”

    The theme is Intergalactic 2.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Custom CSS can only be used on sites with the Premium Plan. As your site is on the free plan, there is no way to remove that text from the header.

    With the way this theme is written the only way to remove the word, “Category” is also to remove the entire category page title completely, so it won’t show the actual category either.

    It’s possible to use CSS to first hide the title, and then add in a new title with just the word you want, but it’s hacky, and will require a separate set of CSS rules for every individual category page.

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