How to move the Reply | Edit | Follow buttons to the top of the blog post

  • I know that my issue is resolved, I moved from the p2/oxygen theme back to P2 Classic. But if the developer of the newer theme could move all of those buttons to the top where they are clearly visible I would move back in a heart beat.

    They are lost at the bottom. Some people just do not read that far and it makes them hard to find.

    That new theme is beautiful.

    If the developer can do that, please let me know and I will do it.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there – those sorts of changes aren’t possible without Custom CSS, which is available with the Premium or Business plans.

    When you were running the newer P2 theme, did you get feedback from your users that they were having trouble finding the buttons? They are close to the post/reply box, like they are on Facebook, and I haven’t yet heard any feedback that folks found them tricky to find, so hopefully your visitors wouldn’t either.

  • First, I am not in the business of doing Custom CSS or nor do I need a Premium of Business Plan.

    I am saying that someone developed this new version of P2 and I believe that he or she chose poorly making buttons almost hidden down at the bottom of what was in my case at least a very dense post package.

    This blog is re-born. I tried it a few years ago and got no help in getting timely information for it. Now all the people and organizations with which I need to deal have all discovered the wonderful world of social media so I have almost more work than I can handle. But, to be more brief, the blog has not had enough activity yet for any problems to arise. I am averaging around 30 views a day, while my sciencesprings blog averages around 175 views a day.

    I just think the developer could be nudged to move these buttons to where they are immediately apparent.

    And, please do not use Facebook as an example of good product.

    Thanks for your interest and reply.

    That P2 blog was simply for me stunningly beautiful and I wish I could use it.

  • Thank you for your feedback, it’s appreciated. We won’t be able to move the position of the reply and comment buttons in P2, because this theme has been out for several years, and at this stage we don’t make major layout or design changes, which affect all users.

  • Which version should I use, P2 or “P2 classic”? I cannot tell which is newer. Are there other themes that also support fast conversations (forums)?

    Finally, and this is a question for anyone, if I want a regular blog AND a forum, it looks like the best approach is to set them up as two blogs. If I do that, are there guidelines for how to link two blogs seamlessly?


  • Hi art2science – I would recommend P2, it’s the newer version and is responsive, so it’ll let visitors read your content more easily on mobile devices. P2 (and its earlier version, P2 Classic) is the only theme with front-end posting.

    Finally, and this is a question for anyone, if I want a regular blog AND a forum, it looks like the best approach is to set them up as two blogs.

    P2 isn’t a forum, but if you want to use both P2 (with its front-end posting) and a more traditional blog, yes, you would need to set up two sites.

    If I do that, are there guidelines for how to link two blogs seamlessly?

    There isn’t a single way to do it, but I might suggest cross-linking the two from their respective custom menus.

  • Thanks, kathrynwp! And thanks for the speedy reply.

    My goal is not “front end posting,” but a fast way for students to create and share discussions with each other. Question —> several answers —> discussion. Perhaps I need to look farther.

    (It’s interesting that I had the impression that P2 classic was, despite its name, more recent. )

  • a fast way for students to create and share discussions with each other. Question —> several answers —> discussion.

    That’s definitely what P2 offers, as you can see on the demo:

    It’s a feed-style stream of posts and comments that appear in real-time without needing to refresh the page. Each of your students could join the site and post from the blog page without needing to go to the dashboard: that’s what “front-end posting” means.

    If you need more of a true forum/message board, with our Business plan, you’d be able to install a forum plugin like bbPress.

    Let me know if this helps!

  • Thanks. This certainly helps.
    It appears that the conversations are threaded, but not sorted according to the latest message. I added a comment to a message from 2011. The 2011 thread is still way down the page.
    We can take this discussion off-line if you would like. r b o h n AT The reason I’m cautious is that I don’t want to roll it out to my class if it will subsequently have to be abandoned. The price is right (free) but their time is not.

  • I added a comment to a message from 2011. The 2011 thread is still way down the page.

    That’s true – it doesn’t reorder the post order; it’s like any WordPress blog in that sense, the sort order is fixed and in reverse chronological order.

    We can take this discussion off-line if you would like. r b o h n AT

    Sure – I’ll send you an email now; it may not always be me replying, but all my colleagues are very knowledgeable. Cheers.

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