How to move a slideshow window

  • Hi, the site I need a help with is:
    I’d like to know if there is possible to move a slideshow gallery window to other position. I’ve tried to do it through the page edit form but wasn’t able to change the position. I’d like to move it from the left to the centre of the page.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi –

    The slideshow is displaying as it should for theme that is being used on the site. I agree it looks a bit odd, as it is on the left hand side of the page in general, but the actual page is positioned to the left hand side, and that slideshow is centered on to that page.

    Does that make sense?

    With CSS we could expand that page to be wider. This requires a premium plan upgrade though.

    Also, the theme that you are using does not have any page templates to chose from.

    So, the options for a better appearance would be to

    1. change themes to one that has a full width page template
    2. upgrade and we can use CSS to make modifications

    Option 1 would be my preference as it won’t cost anything.

    The themes are at

  • Thank You lizkarkoski for this explanation. Not good, as You wrote the slideshow window looks odd so I need to think about to change the way I display my gallery.
    Best Regards

  • Hi there,

    It may look a bit odd, but this is how this theme is designed. If you want to change the gallery’s position you need to follow @staff-zinnia’s suggestions.

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