How to modify blog process without taking the site down to make the chamge?

  • I am trying to modify my blog site which I have had since 2010. I want it to start with a static page. From there I want to provide options to the public. Options like go to my posts, or switch to different sets of groupings whereby they can find similar type posts. I am making a mess of it, and almost locked myself out of my own blog. Please, I need help. Today, this afternoon alone, I made quite an inordinate number of revisions. I am not trying to hog the time or space, I am just making stupid moves, because I don’t know where to go. It would be nice to make changes without having to save it all the time, just to see if it is coming along. Hence the number of revisions. I love the publishing part of the blog site, but obviously, I am not too good at the fixing. Thank you for whatever help you can provide me.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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