How to make my site title be the same as my blog address

  • When I changed my site title I tried to change my blog address to match my new site title but it said the site already exists, which I imagine is mine.. How do I make this change? I am ready to post but want to make sure people find me. Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • 1. goto to your dashboard, on the left hand menubar:

    2. Appearance > customize.

    3. A page will open with your blog view and a menu bar on the right.

    4. click “Site Title

    5. after you choose your new title and tag line, remember to click save at the bottom of that menu bar.

  • Thank you, but maybe I’m not being very clear.. I already changed my site title but my blog address still uses the old name and when I tried to change the address to include my new title it says the site already exists.
    I feel like this is simple but I’ve been looking for answers for a couple of days now..

  • What is the old URL? What is the new URL you want?

  • Okay, let me see if I understand.

    You want to change the blog address of to, so that the site address matches the title, “Living Daylights”. But you can’t, because is already a website that exists. But, it seems that you own that site, too, since when I click on your username, it takes me there.

    If you already own that blog, why not just use it instead of If you like the theme you have on, you can easily switch and it will look exactly like

    You are encountering your problem because the site address you want is already taken. But it is taken by you. You already have it.

  • Thank you ecumenical life, yes you understand my problem but when I go to my blogs (or my sites) it only lists living daylights at the address of imposterings. If I own livingdaylights which seems like I do where is it and how do find it to change it?
    Thanks a million for your help.

  • I am having the same problem, could anyone help me change my domain? Mine is not taken…I’m just not sure how to change it.

  • You go to ‘My blogs’ on your dashboard, then click on the change my web address tab and follow the directions it’s pretty straightforward.
    Hope you have better luck..

  • @sjpkny,
    Have you activated each them via email notificaton? Perhaps the missing one hasn’t been activated yet. I noticed that neither one appears to have any published posts.

  • I haven’t published anything yet as I wanted to wait to have my site name and web address match before I launched. I was never asked to activate via email. All I did was change my site name from imposterings to living daylights and I thought the URL address would automatically change to reflect the change in name but it still comes up as imposterings. and when I go to change it it says the web address livingdaylights is reserved. Should I delete the sites and start again?

  • All I did was change my site name from imposterings to living daylights and I thought the URL address would automatically change to reflect the change in name…

    Changing the site name at Settings > General does absolutely nothing to the URL. Where did you go to change the site name? Have you see the page Changing a Blog Address and followed the steps provided there? If you went through the URL changing process there are several options you would have had to choose from, among them being whether or not to delete the original URL, the one you want to change. If you didn’t choose to delete the original URL there, you’d end up with two websites.

    Should I delete the sites and start again?

    No. Not at all necessary. We’ll sort this out. Are both website registered under the same account? I ask because the steps of changing a blog address at My Blogs include the option of registering a separate account, with a new username.

  • In my account I am listed as having only 1 web address and yet my blog site Living Daylights is associated with imposterings, I didn’t register 2 websites, I just changed the name in the general settings then tried to change (replace) the web address from imposterings to livingdaylights and it said it was already reserved. I do not see an option for registering a separate account with a new username. I’ve gone to that page and see no options.
    This is very frustrating.

  • I’ve seen two websites, which are evidently both in the account you logged into in order to comment here:

    1., which is attached to your username

    I’m not sure how it happened, but rest easy. Help is on the way. I’ve tagged the thread for Staff attention. Staff will be able to assist you on this better than I.

  • Thank you so much! I just clicked on the livingdaylights address and it takes me to a blog set up in June 2010 by someone else.
    Hopefully I’ll be sorted out by tomorrow.. Thanks again.

  • Just checking in again. Hoping this issue can be resolved by Staff today.

  • You cannot change the URL of to because the URL is already in use by another account. You will need to choose another URL I’m afraid.

  • Thank you very much for clearing this up! I was led to belive that the URL was linked to my username sjpkny account as well as somehow and so I thought there was a chance of holding onto it, but thank you for being clear. I should therefore change the name of my site so I can get a new URL address to match, yes?

  • That might be the best idea.

    Or, you could set up a custom domain and use something like (if that was an available domain).

  • @sjpkny,

    You cannot change the URL of to because the URL is already in use by another account. You will need to choose another URL I’m afraid.

    I was led to belive that the URL was linked to my username sjpkny account IS linked to username sjpkny on the member’s forum profile page:

  • IS linked to username sjpkny on the member’s forum profile page:

    Yes, but despite that fact, is not owned by the sjpkny user account. So either a human or computer error has placed it on the forum profile.

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