How to make homepage show portfolio with Snaps

  • Hi,

    This question has been asked before, with an answer provided that matches what is provided on the theme info

    However this info is either defunct (forum post from 2016) or simply doesn’t work.

    For example, there is no way to set the portfolio as a “page” so that it can be recognised under the homepage “page attributes”. I have created a portfolio but each entry in it is a “project”. I have added the portfolio as a menu item and this links to the appropriate place, but there is no option to set this menu item as the homepage. The portfolio also does not come up as a static page when attempting to choose a front page.

    I have followed the instructions precisely but it simply doesn’t work. I’m stuck with a home page showing a blog or other “page” rather than the visual portfolio I’d like.

    Many thanks for any help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello there,

    Happy to help you with this.

    I have added the portfolio as a menu item and this links to the appropriate place, but there is no option to set this menu item as the homepage.

    It is possible to do this.

    First you would go to Page > Portfolio (or any page you require to be the portfolio page) > Edit > Select the Template as seen here:

    Click update.

    Then you would go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage settings > select a static front page > select Portfolio/page as the homepage setting.

    This page will show the published projects.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your help, but that’s not quite it, either.

    (Sorry I can’t show you the site as I haven’t made it live yet)

    The problem is the portfolio as set up according to the Snaps instructions is not a “page” per se, it’s a separate element. What I create in “portfolio” doesn’t show up in “pages”:

    Each entry to the portflio is a “project”, as seen here:

    And the full portfolio as visible on screen looks like: (and so on)

    However, as this is not a “page” itself, there is no option to set this as the homepage content.

    Do I have to start again with an actual page rather than a portfolio, using a gallery template? (Contrary to the original Snaps instructions)

    Thanks again.

  • Hello there,

    However, as this is not a “page” itself, there is no option to set this as the homepage content.

    I can see that Portfolio is a page, and has subsequently been deleted.

    If this was published, this could have the template set and assigned to the homepage.

  • Hi again, sorry for the slow reply (was on holiday).

    I’m not sure what you’re referring to here. In the screenshots you can see “pages” and “portfolio” are separate elements. The third screenshot may look like a page but it’s comprised of “projects” which are created in the portfolio menu. I got stuck into the Portfolio and added a fair bit before realising I couldn’t then add it to the home page. It simply doesn’t appear under “pages” in any fashion.

    Thank you for your continued help and sorry we seem to be miscommunicating. Would it help if I made the site live, at least temporarily? Then you can have a better look.

  • Hello there,

    I’m not sure what you’re referring to here. In the screenshots you can see “pages” and “portfolio” are separate elements.

    I’m referring to pages in the above.

    The third screenshot may look like a page but it’s comprised of “projects” which are created in the portfolio menu. I got stuck into the Portfolio and added a fair bit before realising I couldn’t then add it to the home page. It simply doesn’t appear under “pages” in any fashion.

    I can see a page called Portfolio in the bin, so it wouldn’t be visible.

    Just to check, have you tried following the steps above to see if this leads to the correct outcome?

  • Hi,

    That item in the bin was simply a test page that I created and called “portfolio”. It has no content besides a headline. It’s not the same as the portfolio function included in Snaps.

    I followed the steps precisely as written in the Snaps guide but the sticking point is that the portfolio, as provided, is NOT a page.

    Perhaps I can provide you with a login, if you can send me your email address? (I can’t see any PM facility in this forum)

    Thanks again

  • Hi there,

    We already have access to your site as we’re members of the support team, so there’s no need to give us your login info. Also, I strongly advise you to not share your login info with anyone.

    There’s no need to create a page named portfolio. That page is automatically created when you enable the portfolio feature and you publish at least one project. Also, you don’t have to edit that page as it’ll automatically be populated with your projects.

  • Hi, and thanks for joining in!

    Yes, I realised you guys were staff so that’s why I suggested sharing the login, though I know it’s not advisable practice. Don’t worry, I wouldn’t share with anyone else, and in any case it’s not necessary here.

    We seemed to have hit an impasse – I keep being told to set the portfolio “page” as the homepage, but no such page is ever created. I had indeed published numerous projects but the portfolio never did manifest on the page list. That has been the sticking point all along, because the provided instructions say to do exactly what you have said, but it simply does not work at that stage – at least in my experience.

    However I had more of a dig around and seem to have fixed it with a workaround, using a “shortblock” to the portfolio on an actual page. It all looks OK now, but it might be worth the Snaps staff reviewing the instructions, especially for the sake of less savvy noobs such as myself. It may well have been “user error” but I honestly couldn’t work out what was wrong by following the instructions precisely.

    Thanks to both of you for all your help.

  • Hello there,

    We seemed to have hit an impasse – I keep being told to set the portfolio “page” as the homepage, but no such page is ever created. I had indeed published numerous projects but the portfolio never did manifest on the page list.

    Ok, I think I see the confusion that’s occurring here.

    When projects/portfolios are created, a page would not be generated in the pages list.

    Instead, a portfolio archive template, would be populated and this can be found here:

    If you wanted a portfolio to be the front page, you would need to:

    1. Pages > Add new
    2. Give page a title
    3. Go to Page Attributes > select portfolio template
    4. Publish
    5. Go to Appearance > Customize > Homepage settings > select “a Static front page” > select the newly created page.
    6. Click update.

    This page, would be completely separate to the template:

    I’m glad to see you found a workaround, but please also the see the above and I hope this is all useful.

  • Hi, yes I followed the above and it worked just fine.

    However, please note step 4 should be “template”, not “page attributes”.

    Thanks for all your help.

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