How To Limit Max-Width Rule To Image Widget Only

  • I’d like to reduce max-width of my image widget [as Wiktionary logo] only on my push-menu without effecting/breaking any images of the other widgets there…
    How should I limit/specify the revision when I add the following one:

    .slide-menu img {
    max-width: 97% !important;

    Or else?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Limit the image inside that specific image widget by using the image widget ID.

    #image-3 img {
        width: 80%;
        height: auto;

    You can adjust the width as desired, but keep the height as “auto” so that it doesn’t distort.

  • Now all clear; thanks to you again, sir!
    And I am already grateful to you for all those deep & valuable knowledges shared with me by you; since our first discussion here…
    Well, you are my mentor on WordPress and more…
    Thank you very much for everything, sir…
    See you very soon…

    PS: I have something for you; follow the link below, please…

  • You are welcome, and thanks for the credit. :)

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