How to Keep 2 Blogs Separate

  • I’m getting ready to map the domain name for a 2nd wordpress blog, but don’t want these blogs to be connected in any way. When someone types in the url for blog 1, I want them to be connected to blog 1. Ditto for blog 2. I thought this would happen automatically, but now I’m not sure because it seems I have to designate one blog as a primary blog. Can anyone explain to me how this works?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It’s already too late, if you want to be particular. Becuase you created both from the same username and probably posted to both from it. To keep it clean, you’d want two completely separate logins, from separate usernames.

    But it doesn’t sound like you’re talking about privacy concerns. One blog is designated Primary so when you leave comments, like here, your username links to it. That’s all. It doesn’t make a difference to your readers. If they have the URL of the blog they want, they can go there.

  • Thanks so much. I’m thinking it may not be too late if I can shut down my 2nd blog (which I haven’t done anything with other than create and name) and create a new one using a different username. I have not done the mapping yet.

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