How to have the "www" in front of my domain name?

  • Hello. First i’m sorry for my english…

    I have a website ( but i WANT the “www” in the adress bar. For the moment there is only “” when i launch my website in my browser.

    So my question is : how to have the “www”??


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • You can’t and it’s not required in any event. www is an old protocol from back when everything was under separate server hardware. www ( was the web server, mail ( was the mail server, ftp ( was the FTP server, print ( was the print server, etc.

    These days, everything is run under the web server, making www. redundant and a waste of four characters. Anyone who clicks a “www” link in the internet is immediately and seamlessly redirected to the same content under the URL without the “www”.

    Example: seamlessly redirects to

  • Ok thanks you for your answer. But i don’t understand why if i click on an other website (for example this website “”, the “www” appears? And not for my website?

    Why is there “www” on some websites and no “www” on others websites?


  • There will not be any “www” on any URLs here at and you cannot change this.

  • Ok. And if i transfer my domain name to an other “registrar”, will i be able to have the “www” on my adress website?

    Is there a solution?

    I’m sorry i’m a beginner….

  • I’ll tag this thread for a Staff response and explanation. Please subscribe to the thread so you are notified when they respond and please be patient while waiting.

  • Thanks you. So i’m waiting for their answer.


  • has chosen not to not display the www for any of our sites. The canonical URL for all sites hosted here will be either or rather than

    However, you are welcome to use the URL beginning with a www on any of your material, as the link will work either way.

  • I know that i can use the URL beginning with a “www” on any of my material, but i would be happy if i could have the “www” in front of my domain name when it appears in the bar adress..

    If i transfer my domain name to an other registrar, would it be possible to have the “www”? I need to have the possible solutions please…


  • No, I think, This depends on the host not the domain registrar.

    As in Blogger, You must have www before the domain, The non-www web address will give you a 404 error page unless you make a redirection from naked to www version, so It all depends on host, Do not try the redirection thing here in

  • That is not true. In fact, that’s complete bullshit. Don’t listen to him.

    If you have a custom domain on and you type in www in front of it, it will still go to your website. But you cannot have as your domain name here; in the URL bar, it will show, not

    If you buy the domain name from a different registrar, you can get If you get that, fully a third of internet users will not be able to access your website, and you will look like you’re stuck in the Nineties. But you can do it if you want. It will cost you $120 a year and up for hosting, plus the cost of the domain name.

  • You do not need the WWW in front of a domain for it to work, and omitting the WWW will not cause a 404 error.

    Every website should have a canonical URL. Google’s Matt Cutts explains this here:

    It really doesn’t matter if you choose the WWW or non-WWW version of a URL as long as you’re consistent. At, all of our sites’ canonical domains omit the WWW by design.

    You can use the WWW version of the address to get to your site, and can put that address on your business cards, etc. if you wish, but the browser will always return the non-WWW address in the browser.

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