How to have each site post with its own author and not my main sites author

  • When i make a post on my blogs it posts as the author from my main blog. How do i set it so each blog posts as its own author/username etc?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • The site listed under the blog i need help with is my main site btw

  • Hi there :)

    You must create different users for each author, please check out this article on How to Change the Author in WordPress (5 Methods):

    How to Change the Author in WordPress (5 Methods)

    You will find the following links on the website to jump directly to the section you’re most interested in:

    1) Change a post’s author to another existing user
    2) Add a new author and assign existing posts to them
    3) Remove or hide the author name on your WordPress posts
    4) Update an author’s display name in WordPress
    5) Bulk change post authors on your site

    You may also find this video useful:

  • But isnt each blog its own author already?

  • Hi there,

    The username, freephonewallpapersformobile is your account.

    Under this account you have multiple sites/blogs. Any post you publish while logged in as this account, will show this account as the author, regardless which site you’re posting to.

    To post on different sites as different authors/usernames, each site has to belong to it’s own account. (The info @cintiamillan provided above is another option, but that’s really more aimed at when you have multiple users on a single site. You have multiple sites, and you only want one, unique author on each site, so moving each site to its own individual account is the better approach here.)

    You can create new username accounts without creating new sites by logging out and going to Note that each account you create also needs its own email address.

    Then to move a site to a different account, you can follow the steps here:

    Transfer a Site

    This does mean you’ll need to log out and back in each time you want to work on a different site, but if you use multiple user profiles in Chrome, or the Firefox Containers feature in that browser, you can stay logged into multiple accounts at the same time under different profiles/containers.

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