How to get code of 40% discount for the Entrepreneur/ Business Plan of 3 years?

  • Hi everyone,

    I saw that WP use to give 40% discount if you buy the ultimate package. I already got 3 codes from their by email or by chat to upgrade my plan until creator but I saw that the best for e-commerce is their Entrepreneur Plan so I read in internet that they use to do 40% discount for tht plan. But already contacted them asking for it and the only thing they propose me is 60$ credit in Blaze or Blazer I don’t remember the correct name. Anyway with those 60$ you can make traffic in your business like for 12 days if you use 5$/day what is almost nothing. So that’s not helping me at all. Also I got email included with my domain with IONOS literally for free because it cale with the domain which cost 1€year then 10€/year, when Wqp is asking 28€/year the first year and 38€/year after. My second question is how you get email for correct price with WP?

    Thanks everyone.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I don’t know where you read gives a 40% discount on the Entrepreneur Plan, but don’t believe anything you read on the internet. sometimes gives a promotion.

    IONOS and other hosting providers are indeed much cheaper. However then you must take care yourself with updates, upgrades, security, backups, … and every problem you have to solve yourself.

    Over here on the platform, takes care of everything. The choice is yours.

  • Thanks for your reply. Well if you take a little of your time and go into Google you will find some link some to 3rd forums and others directly to WP forum and people talk about it. I just finished to talk with someone of WP by chat and he even told me that they do up to 50%, but while summer or black Friday. The problem is that I already wait a lot to do my website and finally I decided to do it now and I would like to have everything they propose and really I don’t think I’m asking too much. I’m taking the most expensive plan and they already did in the past 40% (even 50%, after what told me the guy in the chat) so idk why be so hard and just continue saying no no no.

    i will continue using the chat and see when one of them will give me the discount code for 40%. I know is just a question of timing and luck. I hope I will find the guy that will help me with that code soon because is exhausting to talk to them for like 30 to 60min each time to finally don’t have that code.

  • Hi @diegoafonsos

    i will continue using the chat and see when one of them will give me the discount code for 40%. I know is just a question of timing and luck.

    As I’m sure you understand, Happiness Engineers cannot randomly give out coupon codes for a specific percentages requested by folks, as it is not fair to other customers. :)

    All our three-year plans offer excellent value and are already discounted, as compared to our annual plans.

    We do have sales from time-to-time on special occasions, so if you’re not satisfied with the significant discount you’ve already taken advantage of – but you want to get going with creating your site – you may want to consider going with a monthly plan for now to reduce the initial cost, and then switch to annual later when you’re ready.


  • kathrynwp  thanks very much for share with us your knowledge. I canceled my plan Creator 2 days ago and I just got an email with a code for 50% discount, but not for all plans, only for Explorer, what is useless for me because I was already in Creator. I will buy it just for have acces to the chat and be able to face them all again until one of the Happiness Engineers could makes the same code of 50% discount but for Entrepreneur/Business Plan, so now with that email and buying the plan Explorer with 50% discount they will see that yes it is possible and that I’m not telling lies and taht yes those kind of discount can eb make out of Black Friday or out of summer (period when you have the best discounts) I’m not going to stop until have this code, because believe me I don’t have the money for it and I’m not paying it for month or for only 1 year, but for each 3 years. And I have the time to ocntinue contacting all the Happiness Engineers unless If you are a Happiness Engineers and your heart want to help me and if do you think that you can contact any of your boss and please to make this code? Then you will save lot of time to everybody and finally wordpress will get my money for the 3 years Entrepreneur plan.

    Thanks in advance for your time.

  • I cannot affot anuual plans

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