How to generate traffic to your blog

  • All links to have been broken. The blog has been deleted.

    I have noticed and inappropriate tag above that you may wish to delete.

  • Done.

    Shame, t’was good advice. Maybe a googlecache? UPDATE: nope, nada.

  • Here is my 2 cents. I have read everything here and wanted to add somthing which is different, simple and highly effective. But this is counter intuitive. The more outgoing links you have in your blog the better. Outgoing links everywhere. But particularly in your posts themselves. The reason is that search engines love them. Pack those links with as much Google juice as you can manage. Ideally link internally to your own stuff. EG:

    ‘Did you see my earlier article on WordPress Themes?

    You will notice that a very common search term is now in the link itself. Or:

    ‘Earlier I wrote up How to Edit your CSS at WordPress dot com

    Needless to say your posts, and your links need to be relevant to your community of interest

    You need to bear in minds that most themes have the post title already marked up with the H2 tag. And it is a link. So pack your post title with Goodness. EG


    Next up:

    Post regularly. The more you post the more that the bots visit.

    Just some ideas.

  • I have a slightly different take on things. Link out as often as you can (my posts will have anywhere from four to twenty links!) and I deliberately choose smaller sites. I know technically it’s not going to help my pagerank any, but those people follow those links back to the source and quite frequently either link to me or blogroll me. They are grateful. It pays off to support smaller bloggers.

  • i am new in making blog. when my blog finished, in blog statistic the click menu not showing anything. but in statcounter shows amount person seeing my blog.and in statistic blog shown amount person seeing my blog also.

  • these are all great suggestions. thanks for everyone’s input so far!

  • You’re welcome and happy blogging. :)

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