How to generate traffic to your blog

  • Link #1 in the Plug your blog thread no less.

    Link #2

  • Dealt with – thanks.

  • Per the other thread, 2 hours 14 minutes.

  • Submitting your site to the Open Directory Project is a fantastic free way to get traffic

    A great free way to get more traffic is to submit your URL to the Open Directory Project, which is similar in spirit to the Open Source movement. You can do this by going to the URL I just listed and clicking on “Suggest URL.”

    The Open Directory project bills itself as a “human-edited directory” of sites. It compiles lists of sites in many categories that somebody has visited and approved, so it is much more selective than Google and other search engines. (The directory will NOT automatically list your site just because search engines like Google do. You have to suggest your URL or get somebody else to do it.) So there are two benefits if your site gets approved: First, you appear on and get traffic from the Open Directory lists themselves. Second, some people and institutions use the Open Directory lists in compiling their lists, so you get the secondary traffic from those.

    The catches are 1) the Open Directory doesn’t accept everybody (that’s the point of it) and 2) it can take months to get your site approved (and the OD editors sometimes seem to get so backed up that they stop taking submissions for a while). You can learn more about the Open Directory Project by going to www. If this direct link doesn’t work, just go to and search for “Open Directory Project.”

    It took about 2-3 months for my site, One-Minute Book Reviews, to get approved, but once it did, I started getting more traffic right away. I don’t know what the editors look for. But my site is NOT “fancy” at all — I am using a free WordPress template with no bells or whistles — so if you have worthwhile content, you do have a chance even if you haven’t sunk a lot of money into the site.

    I am an novelist and submitted my site to the Open Directory because a said to do this at a meeting of a professional organization I belong to. It was probably the best tip I’ve had since starting my blog.

    Jan Harayda

  • More information on the open directory project and other ways of getting search engine attention can be found here

  • You know, I’ve never, ever gotten anything from them. I wonder what makes the difference.

  • Wow I’m so grateful for all the suggestions here. I’m a totally new to blogging and so many people I asked are not really open to give advise. I found so many ideas and hope my blog statistics will go up soon. I’m doing this for a month now and my average is around 30 clicks per day including clicks by friends and family:-)))

    Oh here is one tip, I got over one hundred clicks on one day once for posting a comment on one of bbc’s network blogs.

  • By the way what do I need to do that my name appears as a clickable link like yours? I thought that happens automatically when you are registered and logged in?!

  • No, you need to set it on your Profile.

  • There we go. Thanks to raincoaster from the land of the Hobbits:-)

  • um, er, it’s not TOTALLY relevent….this is in response to the second post…..
    if you are a really REALLY new blogger, not too smart technologywise, want to learn everything all at once and like people to answer things for you (as opposed to figuring it out yourself), chances are you will be tempted to ask too many questions too often at the fourm.
    problem is, sooner or later someone at the forum might insinuate you are lame or using the forum as an excuse to chat.

    i KNOW, bcos it happened to me (sob sob) amd trust me, it is NOT a good feeling.
    so if you are at the forum to help generate traffic to your blog, do so by participating in suggestions threads or by helping people out if you can.

    thanks for reading :)

  • I don’t think anyone is talking about using this forum to generate traffic to your blog: trust me, that doesn’t work. We have the Off-Topic forum which has blog promotion threads like “What Did You Post Today” and such, and that’s where we encourage things like that to go on. This forum is supposed to be more technical, and people are expected to do their own searches before posting a question, to see if it’s been asked before. If you ignore that, someone will address that behavior sooner or later.

    The forums people are talking about for blog promotion are forums like fansites host, or like very popular websites often attach to their main sites, for their readers to chat back and forth. If you put a link to your blog in your signature file there, it can generate hits and loyalty quite effectively.

  • shomoshor: the regular volunteers in the forum prefer to encourage some independence when it comes to simple blogging questions, answers which can be easily searched through the faq or past forum threads. we want to promote this attitude because we don’t want to “babysit” or “spoonfeed” some bloggers who refuse to use the resources available simply because they want the answers quick. this may take up the volunteers’ time to assist other bloggers who genuinely need help.

    however, i do understand that what seems easily searched for experienced users (such as volunteers) of the resources may not be obvious for new bloggers. so i hope you won’t take it personally if i (and other volunteers) do ever point out that the answer to your question is easily searched. that said, i do admit you were unfairly judged in that thread you’re referring to after reading your explanation.

  • Oh dear the last posts were my first ever questions and I didn’t mean to steal anyones time, appear as helpless as a beetle on the back or expect massive traffic to my web blog. Sorry, won’t happen again.

  • @k3mp
    Your posts to this thread were on topic and you have absolutely no need to apologize.

    As raincoaster brought up the linking of your blog to your username but didn’t provide instructions, here are the instructions you need:

    Linking your username to your blog in the forum
    (1) Go up to the top right hand corner of this forum page and look for “Welcome, username View your profile” and click “View your profile”.

    (2) Next click “edit this information”.

    (3) Complete the fields being sure that where it says website that you enter (no period at the end or the link won’t work. Do not forget to change this “insertyourblognamehere” as appropriate.

    (4) Once you’re done click “Update Profile”. Voila! Now every time you sign into the forum we can click on your username and your blog will be linked to it.

    (5) Also note that there is a complete record of every post that you make to the forum on your forum profile page. Everyone in the forum can access it by simply clicking on “Member” next to your username. :)

  • duplicate removed by author

  • k3mp: is your reply in response to my post above? because that post was directed to shomoshor…

    as that was your first ever question, i’m sure you’re entitled to be cut a little slack… =) if you ever have a support problem the answer to which you can’t search for, do post in the forums or send feedback (no guarantees for a reply though in feedback).

  • @k3mp
    Here’s a link to beginner resources links
    Happy blogging :)

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