How to generate traffic to your blog

  • Yikes! It is higher $55,324.92 lolol
    Thanks for the fun info.

  • excellent info. checking out this technorati site now and trying to figure that out.. this whole blogging thing is really new to me,, I’m playing with a Joomla site that i “eventually” will be setting up a ecommerce site for my wifes
    business on..
    this is all a whole other world for me.

    thanks again.

    [Offsite link edited – drmike]

  • Thanks everyone for all the advice, I certainly will be working with them. The technorati thing does not seem to be working for me, I dont know why.

  • It frequently takes a month or more before you see your blog posts appearing on Google. Usually MSN and Yahoo gets them sooner. Instructions for getting noticed by search engines are found in this thread that may be helpful to you
    Have you registered with technorati and claimed your blog(s) there? What exactly do you mean by “the technorati thing doesn’t seem to be working”?

  • Technorati is glitchier and generally slower than the search engines, so give it time.

  • I posted way back in November and never came back to this forum–and totally forgot I’d done so. Since then I’ve been blogging every day. My average hits now are around 40, but I’ve gone as high as 270 (when Susie Bright linked to my post) and sometimes around 75 for no reason I can tell. I love blogging. I’d like to get my hits up more. I’m registered on quite a few search engines. I visit other blogs but only post one in ten times (when I have something to say). I’m doing all right, but I’d like to do a lot better. Did I mention that I love blogging? Because I really love blogging.

  • I have another question. Someone posted about screening out our own visits to our own blogs. I don’t think mine is screening all of them….today I visited another blog, and then clicked from there back to my own, and it registered as coming from her blog. Is there a way to screen out every kind of visit from ourselves? Is this clear?

  • Stay logged in. If you’re not logged in, your page views are counted. If your login cookie exist, they don’t count.

    I, um, tested this a few months ago. :whistle: :innocent look:

    Hope this helps,

  • I put some ‘get more traffic’ info here:

    To be honest, all the time I spent getting listed in those blog directories wasn’t really worth it in the end. I don’t get that much traffic from those sites, although Bridlepath has consistently been in the top 12 Pets blogs at BlogTopSites, so ha. ;) From looking at my stats, I think a lot of people find something on my blog then email the link around, as I notice a lot of referrals from email sites. Sometimes I’ll get mentioned on a forum; I’ve gotten a couple of hundred hits from a Tennesee Walking Horse bboard but can’t see what they’re saying without a paid membership.

    Technorati listings are weird; some days I’ve been up around #75,000, then it will drop down to #84,000. How did 9,000 blogs surge ahead of me in a few days? Also, today it’s telling me I have 155 links from 48 blogs, but some links which I *know* are there just don’t show up on that site. I agree, Technorati is slow and glitchy and ultimately, somewhat misleading.

    Commenting on others’ blogs really does help, if you do it in a sincere and constructive way. Sometimes they’ll be somewhat surprised and grateful at being noticed (esp. if your blog is on a related topic but gets more hits), or they’ll check you out due to curiousity and like what they see. Making online pals never hurts. ;)

  • If you’re blogging on a Mac (sorry for being irrelevant if you’re not), you can generate Technorati tags for individual posts with this widget:

    Pretty cool if your knowledge of html does not extend beyond that fact that it exists. (I couldn’t find this widget linked to elsewhere in the forums – I hope this comment is not a repeat!)

  • Something I’ve been doing when I’ve not been playing den mother :whistle: around here is going around to ten random blogs, reading through them and leaving comments. That and the most recently published list within the dashboard. Some of the search engines don’t obey “noindex,nofollow” so you get some credit for them as well.

    We need smilies here in the forums. At least one of those innocent, whistling ones for me. :)

  • Oh, lookie. More spam. :(

  • Hi this is Vera,
    not sure but “drmike” if you mean me with more spam?

    [Yes, you are spamming – Mark]

  • so basically posting your blog is a start to get traffic to your site.

    Think of it as going into Burger King and giving away free McDonalds hamburgers.

    See the big WordPress image at the top of the forums? Does it say Blogger? I don’t think so….

    Against my better judgement, I’ve gone ahead and reported you to staff. Guess they’ll actually have to do something in the forums for a change.

  • I am strictly against spam and scams aso...

    except for your own of course!

    or are you trying to sell girl scout cookies here?

  • @sulz
    Hello … sulz – You just re-posted the spam link that Mark already deleted. He has “blocked” this person from posting again but now you will have to email him to have him remove the link above for a second time.

  • And Mark missed the other two threads where they have done so.

  • @sulz
    Maybe you could report to Mark the links for all three threads this person above has spammed.

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