How to duplicate my site to use 2 languages

  • Hi,

    I’m going to build a WordPress site. And i need the site to be in 2 languages. Because the language (papiamentu) of the posts on this site can not be translate with a plug in. The only option i have is to duplicate my site and create a way that the visitor can click on a menu or something and open the site in that other language. I’m also using the domain. So i can not install any plug ins.

    My question is….how can a create a duplicate of my site (using the domain) so that i can change it into another language or post manually the post in another language?

    I also want to ask if it is possible to export my site with a domain, edit it locally (localhost) than import it again so it can go live on the domain?

    I hope my questions are understandable.

    Thnx, Jenn

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

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