How to disable comments on images

  • A SPAM entry was entered on an image “Attachment page.”

    That image was added on 05/17/2018. But comments are still open.

    Comments are to be disabled after 2 weeks in the “Discussion” portion of the “Settings” menu. So I’m assuming that comments are always available on images. (Actually I never want comments on images, but I can find no way to turn them off.) There also doesn’t seem to be an option in any of the editors (as there is for pages) to individually disable comments.

    Is there a way to turn off comments on images? Is there a way to disable all these comments (preferable) or is there a way to disable them one at a time (like you can do for pages)?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Comments are to be disabled after 2 weeks in the “Discussion” portion of the “Settings” menu. So I’m assuming that comments are always available on images. (Actually I never want comments on images, but I can find no way to turn them off.)

    You are correct that images take their comment settings from the discussion settings for your site. In the case of images, however, it’s either ON or OFF.

    If you upload and display a lot of images on your site, the fastest way to turn off commenting on images is to disallow comments on your entire site, but then of course you’ll need to enable commenting on each post or page when you publish.

    This works for images that you upload after changing that setting. For images that you’ve already uploaded, you’ll need to head to your site’s WP Admin Media Library and edit each image individually to disallow comments in the discussion settings module there. If there are particular images that are getting hit with comments, you can choose to just turn those off. If those comments are spam, please mark them as such.

    Unfortunately, there is no Bulk Edit for images like there is for posts and pages. Since I see you’ve been here for a while, I’ll just add that this is one of those legacy settings that comes with WordPress core and the ability to bulk edit images was previously requested by one of our Staff quite some time ago. So far, unfortunately, it hasn’t been included in core.

    Hope that helps.

  • That’s just the problem. When I use the media editor there is no option to disallow comments on the image.

    I can change caption/alt text/etc. I can resize and rename and even crop the image. I can turn off “Likes” and “Turn Off Sharing Buttons” but there is NO option for comments.

    There appear to be 2 versions of the editor – one reached from the WP-Admin dashboard, and one from the “My Site” right-hand sidebar. Neither has an option for control of comments.

    After reflecting it seems that every time I reuse an image in a new post. (Memes like the one linked above get reused) the comment period gets reset. The image was uploaded on May 16 and published on May 17, but (apparently) because I used it in a post this week, comments are again active.

  • That should be left-hand sidebar. (Still working on my first coffee of the day)

  • @justjennifer said:

    you’ll need to head to your site’s WP Admin Media Library and edit each image individually to disallow comments in the discussion settings module there.

    Double click on the image in the wp-admin Media library, and then depending if you are in grid mode instead of list mode (!?!) you may need to click on “edit more details” bottom right then scroll down to reach the “allow comments” tickbox.

  • There IS NO “Allow Comments” Tick box.

    Since I can’t get the entire panel in one snip, here are 2 images of the edit details of the image in question

    The top of the page

    What you see when you page down.

  • OK I found it… It isn’t a question of scrolling down. There is a drop down menu at the top of the page.

    If this could be more effectively hidden, I’m not sure how you would do that.

  • Oh I spoke too damn soon.

    I have unselected the comments tick box, but comments can still be entered on the image in question.

    Here is that screen snip

  • Sorry. I forgot to mention “Screen options” at the top. Ticking/unticking “Discussion” there only displays or hides the “allow comments” box at the bottom. “Discussion” at the top needs to be ticked and the “allow comments” at the bottom needs to be unticked.

  • And of course save your changes. If you’ve already viewed that image attachment, you might need to hard refresh to see the change.

    I wrote up a post on my photography site about disallowing comments on images. Here’s a link to that since there isn’t an official support guide for this (?!)

  • @justjennifer

    And of course save your changes.

    Yeah, sometimes you need to write a page-full of do this/do that to cover all the bases of making even simple changes to stuff here at I’ll bookmark your link. Incidentally, my very first post in this forum 5 years ago was asking how to stop comments appearing with images. I never even got a response from volunteers or staff and very nearly abandoned that day.
    PS: I see the forum timestamps continue to glitch.

  • Yup. Practicing forum zen daily lest I pull my hair out. 😋

    Sorry I didn’t see your post 5 years ago in the forum or I would have been glad to help. The gallery and everything that goes along with it has kind of been my thing for many years now. I wrote up a very detailed Gallery FAQ when the gallery was first introduced. There’s been so many changes I finally retired it.

    Glad you stuck with it. 😊

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