How to Default to Classic Editor?

  • Thanks.

    I know how to open up a new post and set it to Classic Editor. But opening up a draft or an older post for revisions, I don’t want to have to find the post among the scores of pages. Is there a way to set all posts–past and future–to Classic Editor? Thanks.


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Is there a way to set all posts–past and future–to Classic Editor

    We are in the process of retiring the classic editor on, so there is not a way to set your site to default to opening pages/posts in that editor view.

    Is there something about the newer block editor that is giving you trouble? At some point there will not be a way to access the classic editor on so I’d be happy to address any concerns you have with the block editor since that will eventually be the only editor offered.

    Thanks for the additional info!

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