How to customize Fruit Shake header

  • I love the Fruit Shake theme but want to put my site title and tag line into the custom header and get rid of them above the custom header. I figured out how to get rid of the site title and tag line above the current header (by going into settings> general), but it still leaves the 2 bands above it (with the vertical line still going through the top band), along with the search bar. I don’t mind the search bar, but I would like to get rid of that top band with the vertical line going through it. Any way to do this?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi. On that theme, to do what you are asking to do, I believe you would need the Custom Design upgrade and a good knowledge of the CSS language.

    If you change your General Settings as you suggested, all you are doing is turning your site name and tagline into “Blank”, which does not really solve the problem and which can actually affect your visibility on Google (as it will have no way of knowing what your site is called or let people search for your blog by name).

  • By the way, certain themes allow you to upload a custom header AND remove the site title and tagline very easily, without touching your General Settings: (look for “Hide text option”=yes)

  • Me again… I just realized that Fruit Shake is part of the themes that allow you to hide the text.

    So go to Appearance > Header > Display text > No. And save changes.

    I’m very sorry about all the confusion!

  • Hi Airodyssey, Thank you for your reply. Good point about Google searchability! So I tried your last suggestion Appearance> Header…but the rest, there is no “display text> no” option. Only the ability to switch out the header art in Fruit Shake.

  • I just did this in my test blog using Fruit Shake. There is no option to hide the display of header text ie. The Blog Title and Tagline on this theme.

  • @timethief: That’s what I thought as well, but then I noticed Panos’ website said that the option existed for that theme. I’ll send him a note soon.

    @mylittleveggiegarden: If that’s the case, then you can ignore my previous reply. If you want to hide the title/tagline but don’t have/don’t want the Custom Design upgrade, you may consider switching to another theme. Sorry again!

  • Thank you timethief and airodyssey! I will consider the Custom Design upgrade, although my CSS knowledge is limited. I just read that I can try it before I buy it, which is a really good thing.

    Question…Do you think it is possible to get rid of the 2 horizontal bars above the header in Fruit Shake in addition to hiding the title/tagline? If so, I will try it with the upgrade, because I’ve been looking for another theme and don’t see one I like nearly as well.

  • Neither airodyssey or I help with CSS editing. We cannot answer your question. There’s only one Volunteer thesacredpath who regularly helps with CSS editing as well as Staff.

  • Question…Do you think it is possible to get rid of the 2 horizontal bars above the header in Fruit Shake in addition to hiding the title/tagline?

    Yes it is.

    #site-image img {
    margin-top: 0;
    #branding hgroup, #branding #searchform {
    display: none;

    Your current header image seems to have a slight bit of white right at the top of it that you will have to crop out when you make the new header image with your title and tagline incorporated into it.

  • Actually we need an “!important” attribute on the second bit of code I gave for the search box.

    #branding hgroup, #branding #searchform {
    display: none !important;
  • I will give this a try. Thank you so much, everyone!

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