How to change wordpress country from india to usa and currency from INR to USD?

  • I want to buy Starter plan but it shows me currency as INR and timezone as India. I need to create a website for USA region. I want USA currency region and timezone. Please help me to change this whole website for india to USA.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hey there @butterflysolutionsinc, I’ve just changed your currency to USD for you. If you need any help choosing a plan, let us know what you have in mind for your site, and we’ll be happy to advise!

  • Hey @supernovia can you revert back from USD to INR. My website cost is increased in USD so can you change back to INR. I have only one concern that if pay in INR my site should be visible in us region and seo for us region? if it visible to us region then please change my currency from USD to INR

  • Please change my currency from USD to INR as soon as possible.

  • Hey, @butterflysolutionsinc!

    can you revert back from USD to INR. My website cost is increased in USD so can you change back to INR. I have only one concern that if pay in INR my site should be visible in us region and seo for us region? if it visible to us region then please change my currency from USD to INR

    I changed your account currency to INR (₹).

    As for your concern — the account currency is irrelevant to the site visibility.

    💡 You’ll want to work on your SEO to increase the visibility and traffic:

    Optimize Your Site for Search Engines (SEO)
    6 min read
    Your website is optimized for search engines by default. However, there’s more that you can do as a website owner to influence how people find you through search engines like Google. Appear in Search Engines SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It refers to techniques you can use to help ensure that your site ranks high in the results of search engines such as Google an
    Increase Your Site’s Traffic
    4 min read
    One of the most frequent questions from website owners is how to get more people to visit their site. There’s no magic formula, but there are ways to get more views with a few tools and best practices. Promote Your Content With Blaze With a few clicks, you can advertise your content on some of the millions of pages across and Tumblr using our service called Blaze. With
  • Thank you for giving me support.

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