How to change the title name of Archive Title block?

  • How to change the title name of Archive Title block?

    1. I add three Archive Title blocks
    2. need to change 3 Archive Title blocks to different Title Name with different linkage

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Simply to change the title name of an Archive Title block, you typically need to access the settings or options for that specific block within the software or platform you are using to create or edit the content. discount

  • It is completely agree with this reply–“Simply to change the title name of an Archive Title block“.
    my issue is CAN NOT find the path/way to change the title name of an Archive Title block & its linkage,
    would you be so kind to tell me how to change it, please show the mark the key-press on screenshot in step by step. thank you very much! (it is free version wordpress in free

    Best regards

  • It is completely agree with this reply–“Simply to change the title name of an Archive Title block“.
    my issue is CAN NOT find the path/way to change the title name of an Archive Title block & its linkage,
    would you be so kind to tell me how to change it, please show the mark the key-press on screenshot in step by step. thank you very much! (it is free version wordpress in free

    Best regards

  • This issue is still not resolved.

    It is completely agree with this reply–“Simply to change the title name of an Archive Title block“.
    my issue is CAN NOT find the path/way to change the title name of an Archive Title block & its linkage,
    would you be so kind to tell me how to change it, please show the mark the key-press on screenshot in step by step(mark as attached screenshot). thank you very much! (it is free version wordpress in free version

    Best regards

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