How to Change Letter-Sizes and Fonts in a Post

  • Gee! The fonts from my various MS Word fileslthough having been fully written in Georgia
    font, just don’t appear like that in the posts once they have been piblished.
    Is there any way to regulate the size of the letters and the fonts,with aim of making the
    posts and bloog accordingly, look tidy?
    Thank you for insutructions.
    Hit Industria

  • I think, HTML code should work in ur post..
    eg: <p><font size="5">Hello</font></p>

    maybe. you can also try “Performancing” firefox addon..

  • Yes, the HTML works so as long as you know how to format your stuff, it should come out just fine. I’ve noticed you can generally also paste from an HTML document and it’ll keep the font details, but Word introduces some weirdnesses and isn’t compatible very well with

  • You may click ALT+V (while writing a post) and a new bar will open up under the rich text editor buttons (I suppose you are not using HTML section)
    Here you’ll see font sizes as (Heading1, heading2… etc). I don’t usually play with this part and I don’t know bigger or smaller it changes your text… Hope this info helps :) But you may give it a chance…

  • I was just wondering about this today — thanks for the info.!

  • You’re welcome. :)

  • I am a newbie, so this may be less than kosher. But here is how I succeeded to change all my fonts in each blog post in one action.

    –Mine is the “Sandbox” theme, but I expect works with all themes.
    –Main headers can not be changed without CSS upgrade.
    –“Georgia” is best serif font, but even so, looks terrible in any size except ‘3’. This is default size, so if you agree with me, probably no need to specify size for Georgia.
    (If you want larger sizes I suggest sans-serif fonts, which are the default with Sandbox and most other themes. If so, no need to specify font face. Instead, only need to specify font size=”4″.)
    1. Start with no code. Can strip code using ‘replace’ feature with Notepad or HTMLkit.
    2. Go to edit mode for the post.
    3. Click CODE.
    4. Place this at the very very top of your text:
    <font face=”georgia,times new roman,times,serif”>
    5. Place this at the very very bottom of your text for the entire page:
    6. Save and Continue.
    7. Click again on CODE and you will find that WordPress has automatically added the font code to every single paragraph. (At least I did.) Done.

  • @krystofo
    This support thread was answered on February 14th.
    It is not a css customization thread.
    Those posing the questions did not have the css customization upgrade.

  • TimeThief: I do not have the CSS customization upgrade either.
    What I say works, without upgrade. So, I think you are mistaken.
    This is a popular question, so I am linking to it from my ‘blog about blogging.’
    I like this better than the official FAQ–and which is also linked above–and that makes this discussion thorough.
    So, just wanted to be sure the answer was complete.

    (PS. I do not somehow ‘accidentally’ have upgrade capability.
    I tried using CSS–it will not work with my free account.
    But, what I say does not use CSS. So it does work. At least for now.)

  • The title of this thread is: How to Change Letter-Sizes and Fonts in a Post . The posting parties in this thread were not seeking to change the font size throughout their entire blogs.

    The transparent tactic you are using is simply to promote your own blog posts.

  • –I am linking from my blog to here. Not from here to my blog. Could not care less.
    –There is no link here to my blog posts. Only even mentioned that in reply to you.
    –Excuse me but my concern is to get my friends know how to use WordPress easily. Not to get interest here at WordPress, though I do welcome your frequent help!
    –See my blog now. You will see Georgia activated with Sandbox. It works.

    :::::: (1) We can all play with css in preview mode to our heart’s content. The edits we make will not be visible unless and until we purchase a css upgrade. ::::::

    I repeat: this is not CSS. This is basic kindergarten HTML. Don’t know why you keep saying that.

    (In reply to your *now deleted* reply below: you are right spam achieves nothing. And that is obviously not what I am doing. Thank you very much for your repeated help. Sorry about the misunderstanding! I am sure we can be friends…not that you need it. Bye!)

  • Errrr… sorry to have to add another… but this might confuse some newbies:

    ::::::: The posting parties in this thread were not seeking to change the font size throughout their entire blogs. ::::::::

    What I have suggested above must be re-done for each post. It certainly does not work ‘throughout entire blogs.’

    (Although I think it would be more desireable if it did. And that is indeed what you get with the paid upgrade.)

  • If you would like to suggest a re-write of the FAQs
    or an addition to them please contact staff. I explained the three ways to do that in this thread

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