how to change blog URL?

  • I registered as username, & the blog is Is it possible to change the blog URL to something else, like I looked at all the options under Dash Panel, but couldn’t find anything.

    It seems as if WordPress only allows ONE blog per username. Whereas, Blogger (which I’m currently using) allows MULTIPLE blogs per login name.

  • Only way to get more than one blog is to sign up with other emails.

  • You can create additional blogs here with additional emails and then give the first account admin permission across the board on all of your blogs.


  • OK, but that’s not what I need, really.
    I wasn’t sure what to fill in back then either, and now I’m stuck with the title of my blog as a username, which is a bore when commenting on some blogs.
    So I don’t want another blog, or another URL, I want another username.
    Is there really, really never going to be an option to change that?
    I dont really need my URL to change (that’s OK for now), but this is really annoying.
    Regards, Napfisk (not nodependenciesnologo!)

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