How to centre align headings of widgets?

  • Is there a way to centre align the headings of widgets. Either text or any other? I have already tried just putting the usual code for it on but with no luck…

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • It can’t be done without a firm knowledge of CSS and the CSS upgrade. Some themes do it automatically, though, so you could look for one and just switch for free.

  • Could you list a few of them that might do that, I’m not sure if my interent can take anymore. :-) (It’s going really slow). The one thing that I must have on my theme though is two columns, but list a few that aren’t anyway. I might like the new style.

  • Just go to appearance > themes and use the preview function. I doubt anyone here has cataloged which themes center the widget titles.

  • Good point, it’s just my internet is really slow lately. :-( Takes about a whole minute to load one preview. Oh Well!

  • thesacredpath

    In the preview of all two column themes (I have a three column at the moment), on the ONE sidebar it only shows the default widgets? If I activated it, would it come up with all my widgets on the sidebar, would they be deleted, or would they be in the customized widgets thing?

  • @thesoccerguy:

    1) Most themes have the widget titles left-aligned. I can’t give a definitive answer, but maybe the only ones with centered titles are Connections and DePo.

    2) If you switch to a theme with a different design, you’ll initially get its default sidebar items, and you’ll be able to reactivate your original widgets by dragging them from Inactive to Sidebar. But it’s a good precaution to back-up the content of text widgets, just in case.

  • I think I have backed them up before, but I can’t really remember how to. Would you be able to give me a few instructions?

  • Just open them, copy whole content, paste in a simple text editing application (such as Notepad, for PCs, or TextEdit, for Macs) – or in the html editor of a draft post.

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