how to blog from china?

  • Visiting a domain like is forbidden from China, it’s like a corporate firewall, all the surfer sees is a “you are forbidden” page. By using the Gladder extension the URL they are visiting is a proxy one, not even though they are seeing a blog on screen.

  • she’s in china now. she e-mailed me for help. are the forums blocked from her as well? i gave her the url of this thread. lol

  • Ahhh … so she is in China right now. As you gave her the forum url then we shall see if she can get through to the forum. If she can then maybe she can also access her blog {fingers crossed}.

  • Every subdomain of is blocked, which means no access to blogs, forums, faq’s or anything hosted at This is the point of a proxy, the url is not “” it’s something like “” which is not blocked. You need to be accessing the entire domain (including the forum with this help topic) via a proxy to see it. I’d love to be proved wrong and see how the forum is fine, but any blogs on the same domain are blocked.

  • There are some very easy ways for your friend to access freely the outside world from China. The most popular 2 ways used by most of the people inside China today are by email and by installing client side proxy softwares.

    For your friend, by installing client side proxy softwares should be the best choice.

    Quite a few of this kind of softwares available, best of all, for free, and are the most popular among Chinese, developed by overseas Chinese experts and hi-tech organizations to help people inside China to get through the China firewall.

    You can try the following 2 at least:

    1. UltraSurf
    Software download and User Guide are available at:

    2. Gpass:
    Software download and User Guide are available at

    If you still have problem, please let me know and I will sure to try to help out.

  • Accually, the softwares I mentioned above are not only proxy softwares, they can also encrypt the datas between you and the server. So the Chinese Internet policeman ( which is said around tens of thousand of them hired by the government) will never find out what you are doing, chatting, e-mailing on the Internet !

  • @ thistimethisspace:

    Just for the record, I am not a Chinese blogger, I just wrote a post about the Great Chinese Firewall. I do not know of any Chinese blogger who would be hosted in an Estonian server but I guess that option could work since my Estonian hosted blogs seem to be admissible in China.

  • thistimethisspace · Member ·

    Thanks for clearing that up.

  • My pleasure. ;-)

    The option of hosting Chinese blogs in Estonia would of course be mainly theoretical. It could actually help out just a handful of people because if it were done in a large scale, the action would soon catch the eye of the Chinese censors and they would block large parts of Estonian web in no time.

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