How to block blog from topic search results

  • I like using the topic search feature on Reader to discover new blogs. However, there is a blog that uses a tag filter I have set up and overfills an otherwise useful feed with non-relevant information. Is there a way to block a specific blog from my reader? Thanks kindly!

  • Yes: report them. Go to that blog and in your admin bar you’ll see the blog name. Hover over it and you’ll see Report As Spam and click on that. Put in the fact that blog is polluting the tag and a direct link to one post that is using the tag when it shouldn’t be. Staff will weed out the offender.

  • Thanks for the quick response. However, I do not believe that this person’s content is spam; it’s certainly not offensive. S/he is just using the tag in a different way from everyone else. And s/he is blogging very frequently (4 in the past hour). I was hoping that there was just a simple way for me to block or hide this particular blog.

  • Four in the past hour? Are you sure this isn’t a spambot? Do the tags relate to the content? Do they use too many tags (I once saw a blog that used 180 tags on every post; anything over 20 is Whoa Nelly territory)?

    If they’re an actual real blogger there is nothing you can do about it.

  • Similar question: Is it possible to block x-rated results from reader topic stream results?

  • Cathicarolblog, I think that Raincoaster’s advice will apply to your situation. You can also report the blog as having mature content. The blog I wish to block is an animal rescue group using the term adoption in a different meaning than others.

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