how to allow for easily flicking through images on large size

  • WordPress is perfect, except for one thing I of which I don’t know if it’s possible:

    I would like the visitors of my blog to be able to flick through the large size of my images easily. At the moment, they have to click the thumbnail/small size and then the large size of the image opens in a new window. To view the next image in large, they need to close the opened window and click the next thumbnail, which also opens in a new window. This is not user friendly.

    Is it possible to allow for viewers to open one picture in which they can click a ‘next’ arrow or something, to browse through the large size photo’s? Or have a gallery that shows one picture, also with a ‘next’ arrow to browse? E.g. in combination with Flickr.

    Thanks in advance for your answer

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • IMHO you have too many posts on your front page. The bumber and length of posts on your front page as well as how many images, the sizes of the images, and how many embeds you have slows down page loading time. Page loading time is a page ranking factor. I suggest you reduce the umber of posts on your front page here . Settings > Reading.

    If you wish you can have full sized images that “fit” into the maximum displayed image width in the blogging space on your theme rather than thumbnail images. If that’s the choice you make then you will have to use either “the more tagor one of the other methods of splitting content.

  • typo: bumber was meant to be number – sorry :(

  • Page rank apart, slow page loading time also means that for a visitor with a slow connection the browser may time out before loading all the images, and the visitor will see nice empty squares instead of some of your images. Plus too much scrolling down isn’t user friendly. So you should definitely folllow timethief’s advice and reduce the number of posts per page as well as use the more tag to truncate the posts on your front page.

    As for clicking next/previous links to browse through large versions of your images, you need to use the gallery feature:
    In the theme you’re using, the next/previous links will be thumbnails; see here:

    Gallery attachment pages: navigation links and image links

  • Thanks for your helpful replies! It turns out the theme I am using has a nice and workable slideshow, so I have decided to use that. The thumbnails looked ugly when using so many of them, and I did not want to fill so much space with full size pictures.

    Good tips on use of pages as well. I could not find how to put all my posts related to Indonesia on one page and start a new page for the current stories in Australia, so now I am just changing the amount of posts on one page up one post every time I am posting a new story. Less efficient, but it works hehe

    I actually could not find where to change the font of the posts (except for the more difficult option to change it in the html sheet). Could that be fixed for the theme?

  • The slideshow you’ve started using is the standard WP slideshow: works in almost all themes.

    The theme font doesn’t need “fixing”: it’s what the designer of the theme selected. If you wish to change it, you can do so on a post-by-post basis by adding code in the HTML editor, or you can change it once for all if you buy the Custom Design upgrade.

  • Sorry, I might not have been clear enough when asking if the font could be fixed for theme. I meant if the font was non-changeable (fixed) for the theme.

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