How to add an aggregated news feed to my blog?

  • I am trying to add a news feed (ie. yahoo, goole, cnn) on my blog. I am new to EP. Although I have read a few posts on CG-FeedRead and others I do not understand the widget plug in process.

    1. Which is the easiest RSS feed aggregator plugin for WP?
    2. How to add it on my blog?

    I greatly appreciate your help.

  • You want to add RSS feeds to your blog, right?

    Go To Dashboard >>> Presentation >>> Sidebar Widgets >>> Drag and Drop from ‘Available Widgets’ to ‘Sidebar I’ an RSS Widget >> Add in your feed >> Save.

    The option to increase the no. of RSS widgets is at the bottom of the page.

    However, I think the theme you are using does not have widgets.

    I am not aware of any other plugin available (other than these widgets) for RSS.

  • Sorry..

    What I meant is, I want to add a news feed from Yahoo or CNN that automatically updates on my site. Like:

  • Not sure what you want us to specifically look at over on…

    Kashmir explains how to add in an RSS feed to your blog.’s RSS feed is located here:

    http: //

    Note there’s a space added in after the colon to get it to show up here in the forums. You’ll need to remove the space when you use the URL for the feed. That URL is what you add to the RSS widget to get it to show up on your blog.

    Hope this helps,

  • Is it possible to grab say the most recent (or any/all) feed into a new post rather than into the Widget in the sidebar at all?

  • Not with the setup we have here. There are Plugins that will replace your Posts with an RSS feed but I’ve not seen any that would drop a feed into a single Post.

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