How To Add a Blog Header Image

  • Hi there,

    Just wondering how I can add a blog header image behind the blog title (I have tried creating a blog post template and it made half of the post completely blue). I would like to make a template so it is the same for all of my posts.

    Also is there a way to add parallax scroll to this blog header image without a plugin?

    Thanks so much for your help in advance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • For reference, I am looking to add an image like this behind my blog title with the date, a circle author photo and author name.

  • Depending on the Teme you have selected you may or may not be able to implement a Header image. Here are the instructions:

    Upload a Header Image
    4 min read
    A header image is a picture at the top of your site that gives your site a personalized look and feel. How to add a header image will depend on your theme — this guide will explain each option. Your Theme The theme you use on your site will determine how you can add a header image. Starting from your dashboard, click on Appearance and look for one of these options: Editor: You can add
  • I have tried creating a blog post template and it made half of the post completely blue

    Also is there a way to add parallax scroll to this blog header image without a plugin?

    Can you set it again and leave that in place so we can take a look at what you’ve got?

    And do you just mean you’d like it “sticky” so that the text scrolls over it? If so, try “grouping” the header block, setting the background there, and making it sticky.

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