How to acquire an old domain name?

  • I have one blog and would like to have another on a totally different topic. For the new one, the domain name I’d like is already taken by another blog, but there has been no activity on that one since 2007. Is there any way to get that name; don’t domains expire after a certain amount of time and no activity? Thank you very much.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Since I can’t edit my post, more info: the name I want is on a free blog. I do not need help with my current blog. Thanks.

  • no – names do not expire with no use

    ask the blog owner if they will transfer the blog to you – leave a comment if there is no contact info on the site – WordPress.COM will not contact the blog owner on your behalf

  • Thank you very much for the answer. Since there has been no activity on that blog for nine years and there is no contact info, I’ll find another name. TY again!

  • you are welcome – it’s a long shot but you can try leaving a comment on the site

    good luck

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