How? Private users who can edit

  • How do I set up one or more private users who can edit?

    I want several users to be able to edit several pages of info we are sharing, and I want to set up one account for them, in advance, to avoid the hassle of them figuring out how to get their own accounts. So, I went down the “private user” path, (from the Privacy settings admin page), only to discover that a user/account set up that way can’t edit (though can comment). OK, so that’s not the right way.

    These users don’t need their own blogs, and as I say, I want to set up the account (or possible more than one account) for them. But if I go down the path of setting up accounts using my own email address(es), then the users are stuck with logging in with my email address, which also doesn’t pave the way very smoothly.

    What’s the best answer here?



  • You would have to set up a separate account and then add that account to the site as a “user” at users > all users. The account will have to be set up at the “editor” level if you wish them to be able to edit pages. Contributors and authors cannot edit pages, they can only work on their own posts.

  • I would suggest that you get the others to set up their own accounts. They do not have to get a blog when they set up the account if they do not want to.

    Alternately, you could get however free email accounts you need, set up the accounts for them and then after getting them set up, change the email addresses in those accounts to their email addresses. That might make things a little more smooth for those users.

  • > Alternately, you could get however free email accounts you need

    That looks like the winning solution, albeit a bit of a runaround to have to set up one or more free email accounts just to get the wordpress accounts, etc.



  • Sorry, that’s about the only way other than asking the people to do it themselves and then add them to your account.

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