How people found my new blog?

  • Hi! I recently created a blog for something related to my university and a project I’m doing. The goal was never to get views but more to have a space where I could write about my process and my teachers could see it. However, I recently found out that some people in other countries have found, read and followed said blog.

    How does this happen? I never showed it to anyone, not even my teachers (it’s still under construction). How did these people found it?

    I have another blog, travel related. One that I DID wanted people to see and follow but that one is not getting many views or follows, even though that one I’ve shared much more. I’m very confused

  • Hi –

    Please share the blog URL for the new project and then we can take a closer look. Things on the internet are discoverable by anyone through the right search terms. Search engines index sites plus folks can find your content through the Reader based on relevant tags to their own interests.

    It’s not a bad thing and there’s no harm done to your site by having folks follow it.

    Privacy settings can be adjusted at

  • Hi, thanks for your answer!

    I know it’s not bad to have people follow it :) But in this case, it’s a blog for a project and I wouldn’t want the idea to be there for everyone to see…yet.

    But I can’t make the blog private because my teachers need to read it (they’re not users of WP and don’t have an account here to give access just to them). I went to the Privacy Settings and put the blog as “hidden”, but I’m not sure if this is the right option.

    Is there a way to put a password in order to see it or something else I can do?

    Thanks for your help :)

  • Hi there,

    You can set the site up and a members only site. We do have several ways you can set up a membership only site. Our support page provides step by step instructions on how to set the site up:

    There is also options for password protection of particular pages and posts:

    Control Who Can See a Page or Post

    Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!

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