How many visitors can my blog handle without going VIP?

  • I’m starting a new blog soon, and I expect some national attention through the press about this blog.

    What is safe to say my non-VIP hosted blog can handle as far as traffic (bandwidth)? 1,000 daily visitors, 10,000 daily, 1M / month?

    Thanks for any and all insight in advance.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • What is safe to say my non-VIP hosted blog can handle as far as traffic (bandwidth)? 1,000 daily visitors, 10,000 daily, 1M / month?

    Not a problem at all for a standard site

  • I know a blog here that isn’t VIP and it got 145 million hits in two days without going down.

    1000 a day is nothing.

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