How Many Email Followers Do I Have?

  • Today, I added the Follow Blog widget to my sidebar. Both on my Widgets page and on my blog’s sidebar as a follower, I see a total of 138 email followers of my blog. That’s more than I’d expected. Despite the age of my blog, it’s gone through long periods of inactivity.

    So, I went looking for who are my email followers.

    Inside of People > Email Followers, I am the only follower. (And I haven’t been receiving the emails, but maybe that’s a separate issue?) Under regular Followers, I see 37.

    How many emails are going out whenever I post? One, 37, 138, or another number?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi, @amlynn,

    I see that #, and yes your blog subscription widget shows all of your subscribers. Meaning in addition to email, it also includes all of the reach through your connected accounts (Facebook, Twitter, etc.).

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have additional questions.

  • (And I haven’t been receiving the emails, but maybe that’s a separate issue?)

    Take a look and see if this document helps with that: Emails Aren’t Getting Through

    Best Regards.

  • Thank you! I wasn’t aware that the number of subscribers equaled my “reach”. That number makes sense now.

    Take a look and see if this document helps with that: Emails Aren’t Getting Through

    I’ll take a closer look. Thank you for responding to that issue, too.

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